Cookie Daddy
About Cookie Daddy - All Photos © Lamb Designs
About Cookie Daddy - All Photos © Lamb Designs
About Cookie Daddy - All Photos © Lamb Designs
About Cookie Daddy - All Photos © Lamb Designs
The Cookie Daddy Story

One holiday season about twenty years ago Tom Boerger, the genius behind Cookie Daddy, decided he would take over the dinner preparation for the family’s festive Christmas Eve celebration.  It was always an evening filled with family performing musical numbers, Christmas readings, and, of course, Santa always made an appearance.  The evening was sumptuous and beautiful with fragrant, fresh trees laden with lights and ornaments in the living and dining rooms.  Live pine garlands looped around the crystal chandelier and the dining room table glistened with silver, china, crystal, candles and enormous cut glass bowls of blood-red roses.   It was an evening that all in the family, from eight to eighty, anticipated with great excitement.

So, it was with trepidation that Tana, Tom’s wife and the keeper of the Christmas Eve tradition, agreed to allow Tom to create the Christmas Eve dinner.  Until that event, Tom had never shown the slightest interest in meal preparation, but on that Christmas Eve, with twenty people around the festive table, Tom pulled off an extraordinary feast of Beef Wellington, Potatoes Anna, Haricot Vert, Homemade Bread and Individual Chocolate Soufflés, to a standing ovation.  From that night on, and to the great surprise of his mother and his wife, he has never looked back.

Tom began reading every food magazine, cookbook and newspaper article about food.  Julia Child became his pin-up girl and Julia and Jacques were the “it” couple as far as he was concerned. 

 It wasn’t long before his creative, inquisitive nature pushed Tom from replicating recipes, to experimenting and tweaking those recipes then creating his own, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much.  When the Food Network launched in November of 1993, Tom became an instant addict.  Watching the fledgling network and its newly-crowned celebrity chefs spurred him to begin dabbling in the more academic side of the culinary arts, taking an occasional course at Academy de Cuisine in his native Washington, D.C.

So, it was with trepidation that Tana, Tom’s wife and the keeper of the Christmas Eve tradition, agreed to allow Tom to create the Christmas Eve dinner.  Until that event, Tom had never shown the slightest interest in meal preparation, but on that Christmas Eve, with twenty people around the festive table, Tom pulled off an extraordinary feast of Beef Wellington, Potatoes Anna, Haricot Vert, Homemade Bread and Individual Chocolate Soufflés, to a standing ovation.  From that night on, and to the great surprise of his mother and his wife, he has never looked back.

In 2005 Tom received a life-changing Christmas gift, a gift certificate to a Culinary Institute of America Boot Camp.  This intensive two-day course at the CIA in New York was a grueling, fascinating, exciting introduction to the serious culinary world.  Starting at 6:00 a.m. and finishing at 7:00 p.m., the two days were jammed with classes and mind-expanding conversations.  Though baking classes were not on his course schedule, several of his classes were next to the baking classrooms.  The aromas pouring out of those classrooms and the beautiful creations appearing at the end of the day captivated Tom.  Until then, Tom had avoided anything to do with baking, but seeing and smelling the magic bakers could create, he fell in love.

He returned home and began baking everything, pies, breads, tarts, scones, brownies and…cookies.  He baked cookies, cookies, cookies and more cookies.  He would perfect a cookie and his family would applaud.  Then he would tweak that cookie and make it even better and his family cheered!  With the cookies perfected, he decided to take a step to insure that the freshness of his cookies would last longer.  He harkened back to his childhood when his mother made dozens of cookies at a time and froze them.  Her freezer was always filled with many kinds of delicious cookies.  All you had to do was pull one out and it was as fresh as the day it was made.

From the instant the idea for Cookie Daddy was born, Tom insisted that his cookies are frozen the moment they come out of the oven. He encourages you to pop them back in the freezer as soon as you receive them, unless you eat them all right then and there, of course. He wants you to have the most wonderful cookie experience possible.  He wants you to enjoy your Cookie Daddy cookies as much as he has enjoyed creating them for you.